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            Add: 2 Floor B Building, XiaDeng Industrial Area,Xindun Village, XinTang Town, ZengCheng District, GuangZhou, China.

            Gel coombs card and tips of use

            The Coombs Test Card contains six microtubes, prefilled with a glucan gel in a suitable buffer containing Anti- Human IgG and Anti-C3d.

            For direct Coombs test, Fresh red blood cells in EDTA anticoagulants are preferred.

            For indirect Coombs test, Blood specimens may be collected as clotted samples or in EDTA or sodium citrate anticoagulants. Blood specimens should be stored at 2-8 °C and used in 4 days. Avoid using hemolysis or incomplete anticoagulant samples.

            Use tips for direct Coombs test:

            1.Bring the card and Balance to room temperature. Label the card with patient's / donor's name or identification number properly.

            2.Remove the foil seal to be ready for testing.

            3.Dispense the sample to the saline to prepare a 1% red blood cell saline suspension. Add 50μl of this suspension into the microtubes.

            4.Centrifuge the gel card(s) in the dedicated Centrifuge at 1500rpm for 4 minutes.

            5.After centrifugation, remove the gel card(s) from the centrifuge. Observe, read macroscopically the front and back of each microtube for agglutination and/or hemolysis and record reactions.

            If either side of the micro tube is positive, the reaction is to be considered positive

            Relevant information:

              廣州市邁志醫療自動(dòng)化設備有限公司 Copyright© 2003-2017 技術(shù)支持:英銘 



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